If you ask most business leaders they’ll tell you their most important asset is their people. Given the war for top class talent is as competitive as ever, is there anything else you could be doing to keep your top performers from being poached by rivals?
Here’s a few initiatives we’ve seen utilised successfully.
The benefits of exercise on productivity and overall well-being are widely known. You might notice within your own work place that the people who go jogging or hit the gym in their lunch break often come back re-energised to tackle their afternoon, however ever-present deadlines and targets often mean exercise is put on the backburner.
Funding a personal training session each week for key performers can be a great way to help them stay healthy, focused and happy. Having these sessions locked into their diaries as a recurring event, with the company’s reinforcement of its importance increases the likelihood the sessions take place.
Financial fitness
Money problems are high on the list of issues that create stress. A common misconception is that those on high incomes worry much less compared to lower income earners. What people don’t realise is that these individuals have often committed themselves and their families to a higher cost of living including private tuition for children, a large home mortgage and/or helping out less fortunate family members.
Funding, a tailored financial plan for your most valued people assists them to take control of their finances and provide a clear path to the life they deserve.
Having financial peace of mind removes a major personal distraction from their lives allowing them to better focus on their work goals.
Giving back
Pleasingly in Australia we often see successful business and individuals giving back to the community and those less fortunate than them. Donations of money are always welcome and allow charitable organisations to continue the fantastic work they do, but sometimes so much more can be achieved on both sides by donating time.
Allowing your employees to take a day or two each year out of the work environment to give time to their chosen charity can have fantastic benefits. Helping others makes us feel good about ourselves and can give your people a chance to clear their minds and re-focus on what’s truly important to them.
As an employer of choice you care about your employees and want to ensure they are well healthy, happy and feel appreciated.
Utilising these three initiatives can be relatively inexpensive when compared to simply increasing remuneration, and demonstrates your willingness to go the extra mile for your top performers.